Anti cholesterol diet

Cholesterol has as a main source to the organism and as a second source to food. Take into account the profile lipid to know the type of Dyslipidaemia and what diet to follow.
A by a diet to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and lose a few pounds.
You should drink at least a litre and a half, mineral water; You can add tea, mate, coffee descafinado, up to 4 times per day.
In case of being estreñido (mostly, slow evacuation) add 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil, or canola oil, in fasting.
You can accompany meals with a little bread, type Mignon (in case of not being addicted to carbohydrates of carbono´y do not have high triglycerides), or with 2 slices of whole wheat bread. Those who eat a couple of biscuits and don't stop to finish the package; abstain and consult how to treat it with your doctor.
Use salt, in moderate amounts, but avoid in case be hypertensive.

 Diet cholesterol - breakfast and snack

 Alternative 1
· A glass of skim milk (skimmed); It can be decaffeinated coffee, tea, or other infusion as mate (typical infusion of Uruguay and Argentina) with milk. Two whole wheat bread toast spreading with skimming cheese, or jam diet.

Alternative 2
· Fresh fruit juice (juice) (preferred grape) fresh fruit A skimming yogurt (nonfat) or light

Alternative 3
· Coffee decaffeinated A yoghurt with cereals (not recommended for people with high triglycerides)

Diet cholesterol - lunch

 Alternative 1
· Vegetable soup of lean beef with lettuce, tomato and onion salad; or use the combination of vegetables to your tastes.

Alternative 2
· Mashed potatoes (papas). Fish with grated carrot or pumpkin.

Alternative 3
· Lentils prepared with pimento and carrot cooked chicken with pimento and A skimming yogurt tomato

Alternative 4
· Fish roasted vegetable soup

Alternative 5
· Eggplant to their liking fillet of fish to your tastes

Alternative 6
· Integral Spaghetti (preferred), or other with tomato sauce; do not add you cheese grate. Breast fillet of haplospiza (Turkey), grilled tomato, chicory and spinach.

Alternative 7
· Salad with peppers, tomato and onion hake or other fish oven-baked, or grilled

Alternative 8
· Soup vegetables Milanese a court lean, baked, or fried with very little oil and is preferably olive or canola. A skimming yogurt

 Diet cholesterol - dinner

 Alternative 1
· Tomato stuffed with natural tuna (tuna) fish with tomato

Alternative 2
· Boiled spinach. Eeii of pumpkin (pumpkin ride, 2 egg whites raids and oven); Salad with lettuce and tomato.

Alternative 3
· Vegetable soup chicken with mashed potatoes (potatoes)

Alternative 4
· Asparagus to your liking rice with seafood

Alternative 5
· Chard fish with onion tart

Alternative 6
· (Green beans, peas, beans with potatoes boiled A small portion of pasta, or 2 portions of pizza without cheese. Tea

Alternative 7
· Corn (maize) boiled chicken with salad

Alternative 8
· Asparagus boiled or soaked. Fish cooked to your liking

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